"The person who said "Nothing is impossible" never tried to barbecue pancakes."

Our family has a 200-year tradition of extending country hospitality. From cattlemen traveling the Susquehanna Trail to today’s over-scheduled population, warm country hospitality will always be found at Hull-O Farms Pheasant Preserve.
We are real people and we put a lot of work into making your hunting experience into a unique and memorable one.

Occasionally, some guests take the opportunity to share some of the highlights of their hunting vacation with us.

“I wanted to write and thank you all for a wonderful getaway and pheasant hunt. All of us had a great time as everyone there was polite, professional, and accommodating. The accommodations were wonderful and the food outstanding. Please give our thanks to Jordan, he was a real pleasure to hunt with.” - Ted G.

“We wanted an introductory full day program, and figured it would be fun. We got more than we could ever wish for: every one of us absolutely loved everything, and could not stop talking about it for days afterwards (let alone in the van on the way back). I speak for the entire group when I say: we had an absolute blast!” -  Ernie C.

The weather couldn't have been more perfect, Jordan couldn't be a friendlier guide, and Coco the faithful pointer couldn't be more enthusiastic. To top it all off, we took 6 pheasants home, put them in a stove, and were licking our fingers a few hours later!” – Mike C.

Everyone is hooked, and cannot wait to do it all over again. This time, with our own guns! Thank you for a perfect, memorable experience, and hope we can enjoy it with you again soon.” - Ernie, Alina, Mike, Dan and Ilya

“This past weekend Frank and I went to your place and had a pheasant hunt for the day. Tell Frank H. we were back....
3 times in 3 months isn't bad. Good time. Met some nice friends on the farm, too.” - Vinny C., Long Island NY

“My brother-in-laws and I did some pheasant hunting this past weekend and had a great time.  Thank you for the fun; can't wait to come back next year.” – David S.

“Thank you for the wonderful skeet and pheasant shooting this past Wednesday.  Your expert instruction and friendly manner put us instantly at ease and all four of us enjoyed ourselves. The pheasant were delicious. Afterwards, we made tasty pheasant soup. The whole family's love of the farm shines through.  We'll be back for more shooting.  Even the ladies next time.” - Christiane & Paul, Munich Germany

“Thanks for the great day!” – Scott B.