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Farming Heritage - Yours and Ours
Though your family may live in the suburbs or city today, it was not long ago that most everyone lived on or near a farm. Farm families worked together as stewards; fostering family closeness and teaching respect and appreciation for the land and animals placed in their keeping. It’s hard to believe sometimes, but it’s true – each family shares this common farming heritage.
Farm Vacations For Your Family
For over a decade, HULL-O FARMS Family Farm Vacations in the Northern Catskills of upstate New York has shared our family farm vacation and all-natural, farm-fresh meats and farm-fresh produce with people from around the world who want to understand and experience a part of their history. Sharing the joy of discovery of farm life through a hands-on experience with children or grandchildren, helps build new bonds while creating timeless memories that will be fondly recounted for years to come. Children and adults will be able to hand-milk cows and goats, feed the pigs, bottle-feed a variety of small farm animals and collect eggs on a farm for the first time. Learning where and how things grow on our historic bi-centennial farm, from a real farmer in rural upstate New York, is a unique EdVenture that many claim to be “priceless.”
From Cattlemen to Contemporary Families
Our family farm vacation is a part of an exciting trend called Agri-tourism, which has allowed the Hull Family Farm to continue the 200-year tradition of extending country hospitality into the 21st century. Cattlemen driving their herds west over the great Susquehanna Trail as well as boarding house guests in later years were welcomed with the same warm smile and country hospitality that greets visitors today.
Don't Just Take Our Word For It
Check out Testimonials, TripAdvisor.com Reviews and HULL-O FARMS Family Farm Vacations In The Press.